Determine your salary, benefits & compensation by the actual work you do
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Running a construction company is hard work. There are lots of moving parts, decisions to make, people to supervise, customers to coordinate, prices to calculate and responsibilities to handle.
All of these responsibilities require lots of time, energy, effort, leadership and dedication. But what is the owner’s position worth in terms of salary, benefits and compensation?
You would never hire a carpenter and then ask him or her to work for less than the going pay rate. In fact, if you were underpaying him, he likely wouldn’t perform at his highest potential. Being underpaid or compensated unfairly results in managers and employees producing less than they are capable of, and ultimately creates poor attitudes among the team.
The same is true for underpaid construction company owners who run their companies, act as president and general manager, are in charge of getting everything done and are responsible for making a profit.
Most company owners work 50 to 60 hours or more per week and are held accountable for making payroll, paying the bills, winning enough work to keep everyone working at maximum capacity, finishing projects on time and under budget, keeping customers happy and improving bottom-line results. So how much should company owners really be paid for their day-to-day efforts?