COLUMBUS, Ohio (July 26, 2016) – The fast-approaching presidential election is not the only government issue on the minds of small business owners this summer. Between changes in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), local minimum wage increases and employee overtime rules, small business owners are facing a triple whammy of regulatory changes, making the task of compliance more challenging. To gauge the small business landscape, Manta’s Semi-Annual Wellness Index asked small business owners to evaluate their businesses and share what regulatory issues are the most difficult to understand and comply with.

Government regulations and red tape can be a tremendous barrier to small business growth, and many owners (41 percent) believe their business has been negatively impacted by recent national and local regulatory changes. More than half of owners (51 percent) feel they do not receive enough warning ahead of regulatory changes. Perhaps that’s why 40 percent of owners say they spend between one and 5 hours a week dealing with regulatory issues. Another 10 percent spend between 6 and 10 hours, and 11 percent spend more than 10 hours a week.

“2016 has already brought major changes at the federal and state levels, and more changes are on the horizon,” said Manta CEO John Swanciger. “Entrepreneurs are trying to figure out how to remain profitable amidst the growing costs of compliance. Those who can be resourceful and stay nimble in the process will better position themselves for success.”

Regulatory Challenges Hitting Owners on a National & Local Level

Nationally, tax regulations were cited by one in three (33 percent) small business owners as the most confusing rules to understand. This was closely followed by the Affordable Care Act (21 percent), new SEC crowdsourcing rules (15 percent) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations (7 percent).

On a state level, entrepreneurs listed taxes (36 percent), licensing (30 percent) and labor rules (16 percent) as the most difficult to comply with. When looking across states, New York and California small business owners were the most likely to cite regulations in their respective states as being difficult or very difficult to comply with (52 percent and 50 percent). This contrasts sharply with states like Texas, where only 29 percent said it was difficult or very difficult to comply with state regulations.

To better understand regulatory changes, many small business owners (27 percent) turn to professional advisors, online small business communities (22 percent) and the news (19 percent). Only about 11 percent turn to their local government for help.

Tips for Dealing with 2016’s Regulations

  1. Figure out where you can go to for support. More than a third (38 percent) of entrepreneurs rated the level of support their business receives from the local governments as “poor.” Given this low rating, it’s important for entrepreneurs to know what other community resources are available them. The Small Business Administration (SBA) has local offices throughout the country that provide counseling and training programs around compliance. Local chamber of commerce offices also offer resources to help with federal and local compliance.
  2. Join community organizations and industry associations. Getting involved in online or local business and industry organizations can help you stay abreast of changes specific to your area or industry. Many of these groups provide affordable resources for dealing with compliance. One such online resource is Manta Academy, which offers free educational courses to help small business owners grow and manage their businesses.

For more information, visit Manta.