How your business can take advantage of allowances under the new code
Reviewing significant changes & how they could affect your company
Create a plan for preparedness to ensure you can bounce back
Overcoming the challenges of enrollment & compliance
A practical introduction to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act & the ways it could change your business
Take a closer look at 3 tax incentives to help reduce liability
How to improve your company's profits through Activity Based Costing
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Construction business tools for success
Sponsored by: Viewpoint Construction Software
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How bottom-up funding creates a financially accountable plan that features definitive target incentives
Sponsored by: FMI Corporation
This year's speakers focused on education & addressing the economic unknown
Updating the rules of revenue recognition
How to learn from competition & fill in the holes in your operations
Breaking through estimation limitations with specialized software
4 questions to establish better relationships & improve business health
Recent policy changes & how they may impact your business
Next steps in your firm’s tax planning process & how to realize potential savings
5 strategic questions to help you leverage data & become insight-driven
Leaving the door open for fraud can be a costly mistake
Exploring the shift to technology-driven, online surety bond processing