New certificate exams available to train & test early career technicians

ARLINGTON, Va. (January 13, 2016) – A recent study conducted by the HVACR Workforce Development Foundation estimates at least 115,000 new HVACR workers must be trained by 2022 to fill jobs due to industry growth and retirements. In response, NATE has launched two new certificate exams: Ready-To-Work and HVAC Support, to help HVACR employers hire, train and develop the best technicians possible and create a pathway to professional development and certification.

“As the HVACR industry braces for a significant predicted workforce shortfall in the next few years, NATE is pleased to offer these two new levels of testing and training to help contractors recruit and retain new talent, including from outside of the HVACR industry. We are proud to add these new certificate exams to our ever-developing suite of testing to support technicians and the contractors who employ them,” said NATE COO John Lanier.

Ready-to-Work Certificate

  • This entry-level exam (complete with study guide included) is designed for technicians who are just entering the HVAC field with little to no formal education or training.
    • Focuses on the fundamental job knowledge and skills a technician needs to know to enter the HVAC workforce such as component identification, tool identification, basic heat transfer, general safety and electrical safety.
    • Can be used as a tool to ensure technicians have the basic skills needed to start on the job and begin their training.
    • Online exam can be taken without a proctor at the technician’s convenience, such as from a home computer.

HVAC Support Technician Certificate

  • This exam is designed to be taken by a technician that has been in the field for 6 months to 1 year.
    • Covers topics linked to the NATE’s current professional level certifications, but at a more fundamental skill level.
    • Provides career-focused technicians the opportunity to advance and demonstrate their increased knowledge and skills to pursue NATE professional level certifications in the future.
    • Same proctored exam process as for other NATE exams.

As with the NATE certification exams, these two new certificate exams were developed by the NATE Technical Committee, comprised of experts from various industry sectors, including manufacturing, distribution, education and training and contractors. The committee is led by Anthony Spagnoli, NATE manager of testing and education. “While the current NATE certification exams are generally for more senior, advanced technicians, these new exams provide a pathway to those certifications via a tiered exam structure. Having contractors on the NATE Technical Committee helped to ensure both exams cover what contractors need of their technicians out in the field,” said Spagnoli.

NATE Exam Structure 2016

For more information, visit NATE.