Washington, D.C. (March5, 2019)—Turner Construction Company and the National Building Museum are pleased to announce that CPWR – the Center for Construction Research and Training will receive the 2019 Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction. The Prize recognizes CPWR—and in particular the work of Dr. Linda M. Goldenhar­—for its efforts to promote and improve safety conditions for workers in the construction industry.

Since 1990, CPWR, a nonprofit organization, has reached hundreds of thousands of workers every year through research, training and services. It provides vital safety and health resources to the construction industry. CPWR typically has at least 15 multi-year research projects ongoing annually that address an array of safety hazards such as falls, electrocutions and musculoskeletal disorders, which account for the majority of fatalities and injuries in the United States construction industry, and also health hazards including silica, welding fumes and hearing loss.

CPWR leads the National Construction Center for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and supports a diverse consortium of researchers and experts at universities, government agencies, unions, and corporations. The consortium members work closely with CPWR to identify the most pressing construction safety and health hazards, apply research methods to solve complex problems, and put solutions into practice to protect workers.

“CPWR has a tremendous commitment to help the construction industry eliminate or reduce hazards and promote the safety and welfare of construction workers.” said Peter Davoren, president and chief executive officer of Turner Construction Company. “CPWR is making a difference as they bring research into action with large, medium and small contracting companies as well as with trade labor.”

As CPWR’s director of evaluation and research, Dr. Goldenhar’s knowledge and commitment to construction worker safety has furthered CPWR’s mission to prevent injuries and save lives. Specifically, she has been leading research projects to investigate jobsite safety climate, safety leadership and safety management systems, and then working with construction industry stakeholders to create practical tools they can use to make improvements on these important issues.

“Dr. Goldenhar is known for her wisdom, out of the box thinking, experience, hard work, and dedication to the betterment of worker safety and health,” said Cindy DePrater, executive vice president of Turner Construction Company and member of the Turner Prize jury.  

By conducting industry-driven research on existing and emerging hazards, CPWR works to better understand risks, analyze and interpret key data, and find practical solutions and approaches to protect workers. CPWR will use the Turner Prize’s $25,000 honorarium to explore novel ways to reach small employers to encourage the adoption of proven strategies to improve safety and health on the job.

“I want to thank Turner Construction Company and the National Building Museum for this amazing honor,” said Dr. Goldenhar. “We don’t do this kind of work with the thought of receiving such recognition, but it sure has been wonderful sharing the exciting news. Working with our industry partners to address important safety and health issues has been incredibly rewarding and I look forward to continue doing that moving forward.”

“We are incredibly honored to receive such a distinguished prize for innovation,” said CPWR executive director Chris Cain. “Seeing Linda’s work called out for this Prize is really rewarding, as her work in safety culture, climate and leadership training is both responsive to what sophisticated employers in our industry want and is making a huge impact.”

Turner’s Peter Davoren and National Building Museum Executive Director Chase Rynd will present the award to CPWR on March 12 during Turner’s annual Innovation Summit in San Jose, California. For more information, visit turnerconstruction.com, cpwr.com and nbm.org