The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) has unveiled Envision, its new infrastructure rating system. The professionals who design and build these projects must satisfy the ever-growing infrastructure demands while responsibly addressing potential environmental and economic effects.

The launch of this new rating system presents another opportunity for contractors to beat the competition and win more infrastructure project bids. As this program grows, the demand for sustainable infrastructure projects will grow. To win bids, be prepared to prove the sustainable value you bring to the following Envision credit categories:

  • Quality of Life – Minimize the noise and vibration associated with the construction process
  • Leadership – Get involved in all aspects of infrastructure projects from beginning to end.
  • Resource Allocation – Use local, recycled-content and recyclable materials when possible.
  • Natural World – Be sensitive to local habitats and biodiversity on and adjacent to a jobsite.
  • Climate and Risk – Minimize greenhouse gas emissions and pollution during construction.

For more information about the Envision infrastructure rating system, visit