8877 Bourgade Ave Lenexa KS United States 66219

Our software is designed for service businesses that have outgrown programs like QuickBooks®. This is an affordable solution with features that are usually impossible to get without purchasing multiple programs (like QuickBooks Add-Ons) for more money.

Total Office Manager is a multiple award-winning service management and accounting software package that is written by actual contractors, for contractors. The engineers behind the program may be the most technically advanced professionals in the industry. Because of our extensive knowledge of how software and data works, we have made switching programs painless, and the program will be very familiar to companies that use programs similar to QuickBooks®.

Complete Business Software
Combine your accounting, scheduling, dispatching, service agreements, customer equipment and more in one program. Save time with absolutely no double-entry.

Drag-and-Drop Scheduling & Dispatch Board
Minimize the time it takes to manage and assign each service call with a graphical schedule board and advanced dispatching.

Financial Analysis
Identify exactly where your money is being made and lost.

Executive Dashboards
Quickly see how much money you have in the bank, who owes you money, who you owe, and how much you're company is worth.

Money Back Guarantee
We offer a thirty day (30) money back guarantee from the date of the original invoice. That gives you about one month to try it out and see if it fits your service management needs.

Developers Who Know the Business
Our products are written and designed by experienced service technicians, and people with proven experience working with service software and technology.

Try It Yourself
Call us today at 877-232-7978 to schedule a FREE Online Demo of Total Office Manager and see what a difference it can make for your service business.